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Elite Construction Solutions LLC


184 North Main St, Waynesville, OH 45068




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Email: info@elitecsohio.comemail


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Contact Name:

Ross Stevens, Owner/Partner; Josh Bolling, Owner/Partner

Mailing Address:

1438 Hart Rd, Lebanon, Ohio 45036

ELITE Construction Solutions, LLC is a well-established excavation and construction company specializing in a wide range of services, including erosion control, skid loader operations, mini excavator work, utility installations, and more.  With strong emphasis on quality, safety, and tailored solutions, ELITE Construction Solutions has emerged as a trusted partner in the construction industry.

ELITE Construction Solutions caters to a wide clientele, including the average homeowner, property developers, construction companies, municipalities, and organizations requiring erosion control and utility services.  Their track record of successful projects has fostered a loyal customer base.  


"At ELITE Construction Solutions, LLC, our mission is to provide exceptional excavation and construction services, including specialized offerings like erosion control and utility installations.  We are dedicated to excellence, sustainability, and meeting client needs with innovative solutions."