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Caleb's Meadow Antiques

store with many chairs


21 South Main St., Waynesville, Ohio 45068


513-658-2562 (Bob/Shop); 513-260-9061 (Mary Beth)


Fri-Sat 11AM-4PM; Sun 12PM-4PM


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Email: calebsmeadowantiques@gmail.comemail


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Contact Name:

Mary Beth Lodge

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 239, Waynesville, Ohio 45068


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Specializing in Seatweaving and Restoration of Woven Chair Seats, Wicker Furniture, and small Upholstered pieces.  Caleb's Meadow Antiques offers skilled repair and replacement of Hand-woven Cane, Sheet Cane, Rush, Splint, and Wicker.  Specialty Weaves, Shaker Type, and some Upholstery also available.  
Kramer's Antique Improver is available for sale in our shop.
Additional Contact Information: 
Mary Beth Lodge - 513-260-9061
Bob Lodge - 513-658-2562