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of the Chamber of Commerce, please CLICK HERE to access the application.
Location: |
118 East Main Street, Lebanon, OH 45036 |
Phone: |
513-932-8228 |
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P.O. Box 802 |
Fax: 513-933-8228
Advocates for business, education, and community since 1969.
History: Area Progress Council's initial purpose was to pull together the highest level of civic leadership in the county - dedicated people of proven concern for the welfare and progress of Warren County - and unit them together as a team to help guide the County into the future. The Western Star and Franklin Chronicle co-sponsored the first formal meeting on July 8, 1968. Area Progress Council incorporated as a 501(c)3 September 30, 1969.
Mission: The Area Progress Council of Warren County, Inc. is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization to plan and promote positive growth and development for Warren County.
The APC accomplishes its mission through:
Advocacy: Working with community leaders as well as local, state, and federal governments to promote representation of community interests.
Membership & Education: Facilitating programs to promote current and future leaders.
Business & Community Development: Supporting initiatives to promote a positive and proactive climate.
1987- Established
Project Excellence seeks to identify, recognize and reward excellent public educators in Warren County. It is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation made possible by the volunteer efforts of visionary business leaders who are interested in the quality of public education in Warren County, Ohio. It is funded solely through the generous contributions of supportive Warren County individuals, industries, and businesses. As of May 2018, $493,900 has been awarded to 641 public educators.
To nominate a teacher go to: www.apcwc.org
2001 to present
As one of the fastest growing counties in Ohio, the need for uniting the rural and urban areas into a common community became a concern. LWC came into existence as a way to help create our own unique identity. Addressing the needs of constantly growing clientele requires that individuals be educated and encouraged to assume leadership roles. LWC was established to challenge and enable individuals to fulfill these functions to guide their neighborhoods, businesses, organizations, and the county into the future.
To apply online, go to: www.apcwc.org/leadership-warren-county