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The Scarlet Barn & Gray House Antiques

gray building with a red barn


229 High Street, Waynesville, OH 45068




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Email: info@scarletbarnantiques.comemail


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Contact Name:

Deborah Nuscher


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The Scarlet Barn is on Waynesville's historic walking tour and is listed as the David Brown House.  The main house was built in 1807 and the Scarlet Barn located behind the house was built in 1901.  The property was renovated in 2018 and the barn is now a retail shop.  You can find a wide variety of unique merchandise, both old and new.  For added variety, we have various vendors who have set up mini-shops displaying antiques, vintage collectibles, repurposed furniture, and much more. Specializing in quality antique furniture and collectibles at very affordable prices.  Collectible military, toys, books, and so much more!.


We are excited to join an exceptional group of merchants in a charming historical village and look forward to your visit!