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Warren County Commissioners

building with flags


406 Justice Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036


(513) 695-1250




View Website


Email: commissioners@co.warren.oh.usemail


Click Here

Contact Name:

Tiffany Zindel, County Administrator

Mailing Address:

406 Justice Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036

Fax:   513-695-2999
Additional contact email

Warren County will respect, value, and respond to the dynamic needs of our residents, businesses, and visitors. Working in partnership with our community, Warren County will work to conscientiously protect and enhance the health, safety, and quality of life of our residents, businesses, and communities in a respectful, efficient, and fiscally responsible way that addresses the needs today and invests in tomorrow.
General Information
Warren County has three County Commissioners who are each elected to 4-year terms of office. Your County Commissioners are:

Tom Grossmann
David G. Young
Shannon Jones

The Commissioners hold title to all county property, serve as the sole taxing authority for the county and control county purchasing. Perhaps more important, they are the budget and appropriating authority for most county government offices. All county courts, elected officeholders and most county agencies depend on the Commissioners for their annual budgets.

While you will find all three Commissioners at the office every day, Public Meetings are held every Tuesday at 9 a.m. and on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month at 5 p.m., as needed.
Founding date