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Collett Propane, Inc.

the word collett on blue background


1245 South US 42, Lebanon, OH 45036


(513) 228-1424


M,W,Th,F 8-4pm; Tuesday 8-5; Closed Sat-Sun


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Email: mwalters@collettservices.comemail


Click Here

Contact Name:

Tyler McCormick, President


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Matt Walters - Marketing Director and Lebanon Branch Manager 
513) 228-1424


Other Locations: 

6611 W. OH 73
Wilmington, OH  45177
(937) 382-1624

1525 Burnett Drive, Suite A
Xenia, OH  45385
(937) 372-9194

Complete propane service:  tank installation (above and underground), automatic delivery, contract rates in summer months. 

Asphalt sealcoating, hot tar crack fill services, line striping, commercial and residential, free estimates. 

Morton and Cargill salt products for both water softeners and de-icing.  Skid quantities available and delivery for skid quantities available.